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Health Information Management with a Bachelor Degree

Career News December 28, 2012

Healthcare organizations rely on health information management workers to collect patient’s information and statistical data, the translation of such data, and the development of health information systems that perform effectively. In this article, we will look at possible career paths for those holding a bachelor degree in health information management and discuss what these professionals must do in order to pursue their career.

Career Options

Students enrolled in health information management degree courses can opt for a variety of employment opportunities in the healthcare industry. Those opportunities can be improved by prior work experience in managerial positions. Specialized training through completion of a bachelor degree course along with certification can help strengthen the career of a expert already occupying a health information management position. Undergoing health information management bachelor degree courses will prepare students in managing healthcare data, collection, aggregation and analysis of clinical and statistical data, translation of data into information that is usable, and development of health information systems devised to ensure the advancement of healthcare. Apart from traditional educational prerequisites, health information management programs coursework generally cover topics such as healthcare payment systems, health information systems, record documentation systems, applied health services research, health service coding, health data structures, healthcare delivery systems, medical terminology, and applied medical sciences.

Certification Norms for Health Information Management Employees

Several health information management courses are devised to help their students obtain professional certification that can improve their career prospects in the health management field. Prospective candidates who have completed an accredited bachelor degree course can take the Registered Health Information Administrator exam offered by the American Health Information Management Association. Alternatively, they can choose to take a certification examination administered by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society; eligibility criteria for this exam include five years of experience in the field.

Wage Potential

The wage potential for bachelor degree holders in health information management can vary depending on the position they hold and the number of years of experience they have in the field. In 2010, health information management professionals’ income potential was updated by and the findings showed that entry-level workers can earn $5,000 more after they have five to nine years ofexperience in the field. During that year, a Health Information Management Director took home an average annual salary of $76,061; the corresponding average annual salary for a Health Information Management Manager was $54,000. While a Healthcare Consultant was paid a median income of $70,000, a Registered Health Information Administrator earned $40,000, a Medical Records Supervisor earned $40,695, a Medical Records Manager earned $47,000, and a Clinical Data Analyst earned $49,655.

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