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New York: Nurse Practitioner Requirements and Regulation

Career News September 14, 2013


A New York nurse practitioner operates under the certification of the Education Department of the state government. With this licensing from the state, the practitioner can apply medical care in a given specialty or multiple specialties. This can include acute care treatment, various age-levels of general health, psychiatry, and even pediatrics.

To do so, the prospective practitioner needs to have already been registered by the state as a Registered Professional Nurse, or RN, as well have meet specified education criteria such as a Master of Science Nursing. For ongoing work, the practitioner has to maintain both her RN license as well as a nurse practitioner certification with ongoing training and career education.

Nurse Practitioner vs. Physician Assistant: What’s the Difference?

The difference between the nurse practitioner and physician’s assistant in New York is how they are used. Similar to other states, New York physician assistants operate far more directly under the supervision of a licensed physician, often performing direct diagnosis work involving x-rays, lab tests, acute care and treatment for patient stabilization, and immediate response care.

The nurse practitioner plays the role of a lead office or clinic manager, often supervising the work of other nurses as well as providing general care for patients. This care can include limited ability to prescribe medicines as well as provide general diagnosis, treatment, ongoing care for chronic conditions, and patient education. Often, the practitioner operates far more independently from a physician but still coordinates with them regularly on patient cases.

New York: Nurse Practitioners At-a-Glance

Number of NPs: 16,031

NPs per 100,000 populations: 82

Who governs/grants licenses to NPs: New York State Department of Education

Do you need to be an RN? Yes

Do you need a Master of Science in Nursing to become a NP? Yes

Are there other requirements?

Yes, a certification with the NY Department of Education in a specific nursing specialty.

How much does a Nurse Practitioner earn in New York?

$121,000 per, it should be noted that this is an average salary reported and can vary by location.

Do NPs need a physician’s supervision for diagnosis and treatment? Yes

Do NPs need a physician’s supervision to prescribe medication? Yes

Is there some drug classifications NPs cannot prescribed? If so, provide details.

No. New York does not have prescription restrictions on its practitioners as others states may have.

New York: Nurse Practitioner Outlook

New York, like other states with significant urban centers, has a large population of aging citizens, which are contributing to the wave of aging Baby Boomers hitting the medical and healthcare system. These impacts are being realized already in both Medicare and Medicaid systems in particular.

According to independent reporting, New York State has issues with managing complex care cases that arise in complications, as well as an identified need for utilizing more nurse practitioners.

Nurse practitioners, along with other RNs, can expect a modest job growth of 17% to 22% in the New York region through 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, those working in large hospital organizations will see the lowest level of salary growth versus smaller clinics and organizations outside of the big institutions.

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