Banking & Commercial Loan Processing Clerk Job Description
Job Descriptions November 16, 2013A Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk is responsible for performing administrative duties and tasks, including commercial banking and the processing of business loans. Administrative tasks such as the preparation of credit reports are the sole duty of the Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk. This individual is responsible for properly maintaining and managing all processing records.
The Banking and Commercial Loan Processing will be familiar with the practices and procedures previously implemented, in addition to the pre-existing guidelines necessary to perform these duties to the best of their ability. They will use their experience to help them make the right choices regarding important decision making.
This individual will work under the supervision of a manager or supervisor. The Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk will report to the supervisor on a regular basis, regarding commercial banking and business loan processing groups. They will take the lead on numerous projects regarding the origination and processing of commercial banking and business loans. The Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk will focus on working collaboratively with fellow employees.
Loan disbursement is part of the many responsibilities of the Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk. They should be very familiar with the loan process that banks follow, regarding the processing of loans and disbursing of loan payments.
The Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk is held accountable for managing all aspects of commercial banking and business loan processing. Close attention must be made to the origination, processing, and closing of banking and business loans. The Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk will be able to accurately calculate loan and interest payments for commercial banking and business groups.
This individual is accountable for receiving all of the required information and documentation, in order to process commercial banking and business loans. After approval from the commercial or banking loan processing manager, the Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk will process the client’s loan documents. The Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk will work closely with borrowers and lending companies to help secure collateral or any assets that the borrower possesses.
The Banking and Commercial Loan Processing Clerk generates and maintains all commercial banking and business loan records, and ensures that every single commercial banking or business loan is accurately processed. They will develop notices and reports based on their loan records. The Banking and Commercial Loan Process Clerk will assist all commercial banking and business loan clients and groups.