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Controller Assistant Job Description

Job Descriptions December 1, 2013

The Controller Assistant Job Description makes it clear that those who take up this role have to assume several responsibilities depending upon the size and nature of business of the organization. The controller assistant for finance monitors the entire accounts procedures of the organization. The controller assistant should ensure that the expenditures are justified, and all expenditures shown in the reports are substantiated.

A Controller Assistant Job Description insists for random audits by the controller assistant to ensure that all financial transactions are carried out as per the laid up standards and procedures. All financial statements are to be prepared under the supervision of the controller assistant. The incumbent should ensure that the staff in the finance department is adequately trained on the accounting procedures.

Academic Qualifications and Job Opportunities

Controller Assistant Job Description requires the controller assistant to be well versed in tax filing procedures, accounting of fixed assets, company auditing, FASB, GAAP, IRC etc. Those who take up this job should possess excellent supervisory and analytical skills. They must be experts in using computers and must be familiar with different software systems. Those who have a bachelor’s degree in finance or accounting with minimum 4 years working experience in the relevant field will be considered for appointment to the post of controller assistant – finance.

This job is available under different names depending upon the company and the industry. In the finance industry, the positions offered include Fund Controller, Corporate Controller, Investments Controller, Hedge Fund Controller, Banking Product Controller and many more. Information regarding Controller Assistant – finance job opportunities can be obtained from

Tasks and Responsibilities

According to the Controller Assistant Job Description the controller assistant will report to the corporate financial controller. The controller assistant should ensure that all financial statements of the organization are strictly in accordance with the industry standards as well as the recommendations made by the management. The controller assistant is expected to review the periodic financial reports and statements in order to ensure 100% perfection in all aspects. It will be the responsibility of the controller assistant to ensure that the company’s financial statement is supported with a balance sheet, statement of profit and loss and statements regarding cash flows as well as earnings that are retained.


The salary of controller assistant depends on several factors like the size of the organization, the industry, the academic qualification and experience of the candidate, professional credentials etc. Those who are working as controller assistants can have career growth opportunities by way of improving their educational qualifications. They have to acquire a master’s degree in finance or advanced accounting. In addition, they must obtain CPA, CMA or CFM certifications.

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