The Top Six Reasons Why You Should Return to School
Higher Education Articles November 28, 2012Would you like to climb your way up the employment totem pole and increase your chances of getting a much-coveted promotion? Do you want another opportunity to earn a degree that you gave up previously due to the demands of family responsibilities? Would you like to achieve greater satisfaction in your job and the sense of self-fulfillment that has evaded you for years? Well, you should consider going back to school.
Earning a degree is one of the most prized possession for anyone who was edged out by urgent necessities to make ends meet or inadequate financial support. As the saying goes, “if there is a will, there is a way.” Thus, if you want to earn a degree, you can always find a way to do so. If such opportunity, however, does not come knocking at your door, you can always create your own.
If you are on the fence on whether you should go back to school or not, here are six reasons why you should not waste any more time and get that degree pronto.
Higher Income
You have heard it time and time again from your parents, friends, and teachers that you will earn more money, if you have an advanced degree. This is not the case for everyone, but statistics from U.S. Department of Labor supports this argument. In 2010, employees with a high school diploma brought in an average $626/weekly while degree holders earned nearly doubled with $1,038/weekly.
Reduce Your Chance of Being Unemployed
Unemployment is around nine percent, and the economy is not as stable, so fear of possibly being unemployed is common. Those who hold a college degree are fearless about unemployment compared to the ones without a higher education degree because degree holders can easily find jobs while those with high school diploma struggles according to U.S. Department of Labor.
Career Opportunity
According to Georgetown University Center on Education and Workforce; they believe sixty-three percent of candidates who look for jobs by 2018 are require to have a college degree. Everyone who has a high school diploma will have less job opportunities compared with ones who have a college education.
Life Outlook
Those who hold a college degree have a positive outlook on life according to TNS NFO research study. Seventy-five percent claims they had a positive impact on life due to a college degree. Eighty-one percent claims they have accomplished something positive in their life after receiving their college degree.
Positive Role Model for your Kids
A research conducted by College Board in 2010 said, “students with parents who graduated college are more likely to graduate themselves.” Parents with college degrees are confident and put in more effort in persuading their children to go to school according to the research done by University of Leeds and University of Leicester.
Health Insurance
A research study conducted in 2009 mentioned seventy-six percent of degree holders had health insurance through their employers, and only fifty-one percent of high school graduates had health insurance, the research conducted by UCLA’s Center for Health Policy. In 2010, College Board did a research and mentioned that people who had a college degree will probably work for an employer who provides them with a pension plan.