Resources for Federal Education Grants for Nursing Students
Student Loans March 29, 2013Though a truly rewarding and high paying profession, nursing school is still quite a large financial investment. However, thanks to several funding programs offered by the federal government, nursing school is not impossible.
The list of resources below will help nurses find and secure a federal nursing grant for which they qualify:
•Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): The Nursing Scholarship Program is offered by the Health Resources and Services Administration. In short, the program offers funding for nursing students enrolled in any level of nursing education, from diploma through graduate school. To ensure balance, a portion of the program’s funding is reserved specifically for graduate students. As part of the program agreement, students must work at least two years in a nursing shortage area to be eligible for funding. Scholarships for disadvantaged students. In addition to the Nursing Scholarship Program, the HRSA has a program specifically for students who have suffered hardship. Detailed scholarship eligibility information and requirements are available on the school’s website.
• For students that may qualify for need-based funding, which essentially is for students unable to afford paying for school, the web site provides a guide for financially disadvantaged students.
• offers resources specifically for federal grants. Grants are financial awards, which do not need to be paid back. Students may also download forms for need-based funding programs from this website.
• The website offers a list of information for nursing students at various levels of education, in addition to a summary of the federal programs that are available.
• Like, this resource offers information on federal nursing scholarship programs. In addition to the funding resources offered, nurses can also obtain information on nursing educational programs and overall tips on becoming a nurse.
•U.S. News & World Report: U.S. News & World Report is known for their list of academic rankings that they provide each year about various educational programs. The website has also published articles on various resources for nursing students. Though nursing resources available may be from previous years, in general, the scholarships listed are available each year.
Although seeking out federal funding options is a good place to start; ultimately, nurses can find a variety of resources to obtain scholarships from their school’s nursing department to local organizations and hospitals. There are a growing number of healthcare organizations that offer scholarships to students studying at a particular school or pursuing a specific healthcare program. Students who research all of their available options will be most equipped to make an informed decision about funding opportunities for nursing school.