Major Overview: Physical Therapy Program
Majors Overview March 26, 2015Since employment as a physical therapist requires a master’s or doctoral degree, those interested usually enroll in pre-physical or pre-health programs. Get information about different classes that are available for physical therapy majors.
Physical Therapy Majors
Students interested in careers in physical therapy would benefit by enrolling in graduate-level programs in physical therapy, which result in a Master of Physical Therapy (M.P.T.) or Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.); admission criteria require incoming students to have completed a bachelor’s degree. Licensure is mandatory for physical therapists in every state; passage of an exam is required for students to gain licensure.
Common Classes for Those Majoring in Physical Therapy
In this article, we take a look at some commonly offered courses that prospective undergraduate physical therapy majors may seek admittance to:
Anatomy Classes
An anatomy class is usually taken midway through a bachelor’s degree program and is useful for those interested in a career in physical therapy. Coursework focuses on major body systems, such as viscera, while paying extra attention to muscles and bones. Coursework combines classroom lectures and lab experiences in the form of classroom demonstrations.
Kinesiology Classes
Kinesiology courses that students enrolled in pre-physical therapy programs commonly cover the scientific study of the human body and its movement. Coursework introduce students to typical ways the body can be used, including its limitations. Coursework combines classroom lectures and demonstrations, in addition to lab experiences. Undergraduate degree programs usually schedule this required class towards the end of the program.
Physiology Classes
This core class focuses on major body systems. Coursework is a combination of classroom lessons, lab experiences, and course discussions. Students are taught about the reproductive, endocrine, and nervous systems, in addition to other common body systems, especially those pertinent to the practice of physical therapy.
Psychology Classes
Through this commonly required foundation course in psychology, students may gain the groundwork they are likely to need for continuing education in physical therapy. Students are provided familiarity with human behavior, in addition to the manner and reason for people’s actions. Perception, memory, and motivation are supplemented by instruction on abnormal and normal psychological development during classroom instruction.
Statistics Classes
Through this required class, students are introduced to mathematically sound data collection analysis and methods. Students work with correlations, linear regressions, probabilities, standard deviations, and variables. Students are taught about collecting, examining, and analyzing data. Typically, this course is introduced midway through an undergraduate degree program or later. Pre-physical therapy majors can use the course to arm themselves with the background necessary for carrying out graduate-level academic research.