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How to Become a Branch Manager Assistant

Career News January 17, 2014

Do you enjoy assuming responsibility? Do you make it a point to look out for others, helping them learn the ropes of a new assignment? A branch manager assistant provides help to the manager, whatever the objectives might be.

A bank typically has hundreds of branches, and yet each branch sees a great deal of the money coming in, the likes of which require a full-time manager to keep tabs on all transactions. The assistant manager works alongside the manager to operate a team of efficient workers, which ultimately work to keep the customers happy and the atmosphere positive. The assistant manager may assist the branch manager in supervising the staff or may even find answers for loan officers and tellers who communicate with customers on a regular basis.

Assistant managers have been given partial managerial clearance on some areas of business, such as the ability to override computer systems, and to sign off on teller outages. The duty of the assistant branch manager is to fill in for the official manager and lead the working staff when necessary. It is not merely a title but a vote of confidence for your hard work ethic thus far, and a higher degree of responsibility. You may have to handle escalated calls or special customer requests.

Education Required

Education is important, but experience can make up for the lack of a degree. Some banks will promote their staff from within, as long as the workers have a high school diploma. However, larger banks expect more from their workers, particularly for a manager’s assistant position. They may require a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as finance or business administration. Earning a higher degree than the average applicant is certainly a wise move.

Work Experience

You will also have to prove yourself as an experienced worker. Many applicants have credit union experience or at the very least have three years of relevant experience working in a bank. Sales skills are necessary, though some applicants can impress management by demonstrating a history of successfully meeting quotas and goals as part of a team. Any managerial training helps, as well as special expertise in processing account transactions, or solving problems, or any history with policy making (for state/federal compliance). Much of your time will be spent problem-solving and working out solutions with borrowers.

Special Skills

In addition to work experience and education, some special skills are expected. For instance, you could be asked to accept new assignments and must adapt quickly. You will have to utilize new technologies, while also improving your communicative abilities. You have to work well with people, including co-workers of the branch, credit union members, customers, and members of management.

This is a great career goal, and one that you can easily attain by educating yourself early on and gaining valuable work experience. Starting from an entry-level position and progressing to assistant manager is the norm, though you can progress faster with a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Whatever you decide, you can reach your career goals faster by strategizing and always bringing a positive attitude to work.

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