Benefits of Travel Nursing
Career News April 16, 2013People that are looking for a fulfilling career that makes a difference in the lives of others often choose to pursue nursing. Some choose to even take it a step beyond by trying out travel nursing. If you are studying to become a nurse, but want to add in a good change of scenery, you may also want to consider a traveling nurse career. Here are some of the key benefits to this position.
Traveling nurses go where there is a shortage in staff. For being available on short notice, the pay is typically higher, especially when factoring in any sign on bonuses. There are also bonuses in compensation to consider, such as meals being paid for and other costs being covered. When traveling outside of the state, companies often pay for travel expenses as well. This means all of your plane fare, car rentals, gas and other necessities will often be paid for.
You work hard and you should be able to play hard too. Many companies offer discount programs to their traveling nurses so that they can enjoy themselves wherever they are and at a good price. Think movie and local event discounts. Staying healthy while on the road is important too, so a gym discount and food discounts may also be provided. Even your cell phone may be eligible for a discount. That can certainly add up to a lot of savings over the course of a year.
If you need another reason to consider this career path, know that many companies pay for the lodging of their traveling nurses. This can be payments for hotel stays, even payments for rent on housing. If you already have your own housing, many of the best companies will still give subsidies. Utilities are often covered in these expenses as well, which can certainly help keep the money in your pockets.
The best companies will give their traveling nurses the same benefits as nurses that stay in the same location. This means you get to travel, see new places, and still be covered for your dental and medical needs. Life insurance is often provided. This can help ease worried minds, as your family is covered even if something unforeseen were to happen.
Retirement Fund
Traveling nurses can often take advantage of 401K plans. Planning for retirement is important, and few jobs that come with as much freedom and flexibility as a traveling nurse also come with such steady planning for the future.
It is the rare job that is fulfilling, helps others, and allows you to travel and enjoy a flexible schedule all in one. This is certainly a job for those that love change, and possibly one of its biggest rewards is that it will never grow stale due to all the new places and people you will meet. There are plenty of benefits in being a traveling nurse, so find out more on this career today.