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Work from Home Nursing Jobs

Career News August 20, 2013

Are you looking for work from home nursing jobs? If you have been trained in nursing and are considering staying at home to be with your children, it does not mean you cannot work. There are many opportunities for a stay-at-home mom to also be a working mom, even as a nurse. Nursing implies hands-on work, but there are other alternatives in work from home nursing jobs.

Some of the work from home nursing jobs is:

Case Manager

A nursing case manager has patients whom they contact daily by phone to relay important information about their medical condition. Also, medication information including side effects, how to care for wounds, basic nutritional information, how to exercise appropriately and any other health care question that comes up. As each patient’s case manager, you answer all their questions and concerns, if you deem necessary, refer their case to a home health nurse who will visit the patient in their home.

Teach Nursing Classes Online

As a qualified nurse, you may also be qualified to teach an online class on nursing. As an instructor, this would be an easy job to keep from home and still use your nursing skills and expertise to assist future nurses in earning the college credits to become a nurse. The key would be finding an institution with a nursing program, and then helping them expand their tuition to online classes.

Telephone Triage Services

A telephone triage service often hires for work from home nursing jobs. They will offer these nursing jobs from home for registered nurses to answer phones after hours for doctor’s offices and 24-hour service hospitals. The nurse would answer questions for those who call in for non-emergency medical issues. Those with an immediate emergency need will be referred to the nearest emergency room.

With all of the work from home jobs listed above, it is now possible to qualify yourself and bring these benefits to your own family. The privileges are endless when it comes to flexibility, more time with your family and happiness and satisfaction with your career. These are all excellent reasons to search for these types of positions for yourself.

The following are ways to begin qualifying for work from home nursing jobs:

Gain Experience in Person

Before reaching the point of wanting to stay home and work, it is important to get hands-on experience by working in an office environment. Most of the work from home nursing jobs requires experience in handling multiple patient cases simultaneously or even previous telephone casework. Much of this training is done on-site with the company for which you work at.

Apply as a Coach

A nurse health coach with an insurance or health management company administering disease management and wellness programs are another option toward work from home nursing jobs. Nurse health coaches generally work on the telephone with patients in order to educate them on their condition and encouraging them toward a goal of improving their health.

Work in Case Management

Inside a healthcare company, the position in a case management department would involve coordinating care for patients with serious illnesses or near the end of their lives. The nurse would communicate through phone calls with the doctors, hospitals, patients and their families to help direct everyone toward the appropriate care for their individual needs.

Be a Chart Auditor

Hospitals and insurance companies pursuing accreditation status need a chart auditor. Naturally, anyplace that has paperwork and files with personal patient information have stringent guidelines to keep all of that documentation. A nurse may have a stay-at-home job reviewing charts and records online and would be responsible for finding and reporting deficiencies in those areas to the quality department.

Nurse Line Service

Health plan members and company employees of health care services have the benefit of a nurse line service for any concern they may have. These staffing agencies are run 24/7 and provide medical advice as needed for anyone.

All of these positions are wonderful options, but require strong documentation skills for each phone call and outcome.

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