How to Write a Reference Letter for Nurses
Career News October 13, 2013When writing a reference letter for nurses you need to make it sound professional while bringing out her qualifications and personal attributes. A reference letter for nurses will help immensely when a person is seeking employment somewhere.
A reference letter makes the company aware of her excellent standings within a company. It also lets the receiver of the reference letter know that somebody valued her enough to take the time to write a letter on her behalf.
When writing a reference letter for nurses, you should:
Identify Yourself
You can start by putting your name on the top of the page, as well as your own title and the company that you are affiliated with. This gives the reference letter a professional look. The person who will be receiving the reference letter will get the impression that you are highly qualified within your company.
Identify Your Association with the Nurse
You should state in your reference letter how you are associated with this nurse, and in what capacity. If you have worked with her before, state where you both worked together and for what length of time. You can make them aware of what kind of co-worker she was, and if she worked well with other people. Was she a team player? This is a very crucial quality in a person.
List Her Qualifications
Read over the nurses resume before you write the reference letter. Speak to her personally and get her input on what she would like written. List her education, qualifications, experience and strong points. Since the role of a nurse involves a great deal of contact with people, give the letter a personal touch.
Let the receiver know the compassionate side of this person, as well as her bedside manner. If you have a personal experience that you observed while working with this nurse that will make her shine, include that, as well.
Let Them Know Her Value as an Employee
Let the receiver be aware of how having her on their staff would be beneficial to the company. Make them aware that she would be an asset in terms of quality care and compassion to her patients.
Future Contact
Let them know in the reference letter for nurses that you are available for further questions should they have any. Leave a phone number where they can reach you.
In closing, you can end the letter with an air of professionalism to keep with the flow of your reference letter for nurses. You can use “Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours truly” or any type of closing that is appropriate. Leave a space of about four or five lines and then type your name. Sign your name within the blank area, in ink.