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Aesthetician Job Duties and Employment Outlook

Job Descriptions March 6, 2013

Clients who want to improve their skin rely on various services performed by skin care specialists known as aestheticians. To be able to practice their profession, these professionals are required to complete an accredited program and satisfy state licensure requirements.

Aestheticians Job Duties

A variety of treatments to human skin are provided by an aesthetician. Healthy skin can also be accomplished by aestheticians through monitoring their clients’ emotional and physical health in order to help the clients feel better about themselves, and work at achieving healthier lifestyles. Once the skin has been analyzed with magnifiers and bright lights, aesthetician performs cosmetic treatments on the body, feet, hands, and face. Several treatments include exfoliation, chemical peels, facials and massages. These professionals also provide other services, including reducing signs of aging, treating acne, treating eyelashes, applying makeup and removing hair.


Department stores, salons and spas are among the most common employers of aestheticians. Medical aestheticians are employed by physicians’ offices and hospitals. They offer services similar to those performed by other aestheticians, but they usually work with clients who have undergone medical treatments, which affected their appearance, including chemotherapy. Medical aestheticians may provide their services to plastic surgery patients and burn victims.

Employment Outlook

Job growth of thirty-eight percent has been predicted for aestheticians during the period from 2008 to 2018 (source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) ( As many as 38,800 aestheticians were employed around the nation in 2008, and this number is expected to grow to 53,500 by 2018, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. While it would be relatively easy to get entry-level jobs, higher-paying jobs offered by prestigious firms are competitive, with reputation, location and size identified as factors determining a firm’s prestige.


In May 2010, aestheticians earned an average annual salary of $32,030 (source: BLS). During May 2010, the most common employers of aestheticians were travel lodgings, doctors’ offices and personal care services. Aestheticians employed in Delaware were among the highest paid with an average annual salary of $46,130. Other states in which aestheticians received high salaries are Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and Washington, D.C.

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