Buyers Job Description
Job Descriptions November 10, 2013Purchasing managers or buyers do just that they buy products for different organizations to use or to resell. Part of the Buyers Job Description is that they not only buy, but they must also evaluate suppliers, negotiate contracts, as well as review product quality. This job requires a versatile set of skills as they need to have knowledge of the product they are buying, the price history and the availability of that product.
The Buyers Job Description is that they must have a good understanding of the products they are interested in purchasing and the company and/or individuals that they are purchasing from. An important aspect of the Buyers Job Description is to evaluate different suppliers to compare prices, quality, and delivery speeds, they also interview vendors and suppliers to learn more about their products and services that they provide.
The Duties and Responsibilities of a Purchasing Manager
Buyers also frequently attend different types of meetings, conferences and trade shows so that they can stay at the top of their game, learn new information about the industries, network with and meet new suppliers.
Buyers focused in finance help to negotiate different contracts, review the records of items that were bought and conduct cost comparisons for different products and suppliers. They strive to ensure that their clients are getting the best products for the best price. Buyers can work for several different types of industries depending on what their needs are. Manufacturing industries hire the most buyers at 34%. Companies and enterprises, as well as the federal government and wholesale trade, are other industries that hire buyers, as well.
Buyers Skills
Buyers have a variety of skills but having analytical skills are an important part of the job as they must evaluate suppliers, managers, and agents. By having good analytical skills, they can better choose the right supplier based on their price and the quality of their work. Decision-making skills and math skills are also important. A large part of a buyer’s job is to negotiate, and; therefore, negotiation skills and interpersonal skills are a must.