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What Do Tax Collectors Do?

Job Descriptions September 24, 2013

Tax collectors are agency members who concentrate on debt collection. They may work at the local level, such as in city hall, and often travel to courtrooms and other government buildings. Tax collectors may travel frequently; as they are called upon to go to people’s homes, search for assets and investigate delinquent accounts. Right away, it is easy to see that tax collectors have to work under tight deadlines and in more stressful situations than say tax examiners or bookkeepers.

Vital Skills in the Field

Tax collectors must possess a good mind for numbers as well as a highly professional demeanor, one capable of remaining trustworthy and discreet. Because so much of this job is in dealing with people, exceptional interpersonal and communication skills are required. Much of the job is confrontational, since you will be seeing people at their worst, and in some cases, will be seizing their assets.

Besides people skills, workers in this field will also be tested in organizational skills. You must have a strong analytical mind, be able to work independently and manage your time effectively. In order to work for the federal government, you will have to submit to a background investigation. Naturally, those who travel will require a driver’s license.

College Studies and Subjects Included

College education and work experience are always viewed favorably. This might include a job in collections or management, not to mention the job of loan officer or tax compliance officer. A bachelor’s degree is definitely required for applicants hoping to find a job with the IRS directly. In fact, a high-level degree may even qualify the applicant for a job without related work experience.

Subjects to take in college might include business, accounting, finance or criminal justice. The first several months of your job will be an intensive training process under the tutelage of an instructor. He/she will teach you everything needed in order to work independently.

Training can last as long as two years for some jobs, particularly if there is technical instruction that must be conveyed. The more difficult the case, the more training is required. There is also the need to travel and attend meetings to learn about new technicalities and tax laws.

What is a Tax Collector Responsible For?

A collector is not a tax assessor, since the former refers to an official responsible for collections. The assessor deals with property assessment within a county, though taxes are part of the equation. The assessor is only needed if you have tax problems that relate to real estate or property.

Tax collectors have an important job in the tax field and quite literally serve as the mediator between taxpayer and the government. They ensure honesty and punctuality as regards government money.

If you would like to work with the IRS or with local tax officials in an exciting line of work that is set to grow in the near future, then consider going back to school for an education in finance, tax and economy.

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