Places to Find Free Computer Networking Tutorials on the Web
Higher Education Articles April 6, 2013Some schools offer free online courses in networking. Learn which networking courses lead to real college credits, what type of topics will be covered, and networking courses that are available.
The Computer Technology Documentation Project
Free networking tutorials are offered through the Computer Technology Documentation Project for individuals who want to learn more about computer networking. They can access the chapter-wise lessons from a Web page. However, students will not be able to pursue college credits through the tutorials. Students can avail a guide of protocols provided by the CTDP Protocol to use for host management, network management and network routing. They can also get useful information regarding network architectures and TCP/IP network protocols among other topics. Students do not need any experience with networks to be able to enroll for this tutorial and will be given references leading to more information about networking.
Free information about computer science is provided by this India-based no-profit agency; such information includes specific topic areas on networking. While students cannot pursue college credits through this course, they can avail the information free on the Internet through a web page. Background information on networking and IP (Internet Protocol) addresses is provided by the Subnetting tutorial.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Students are given access by MIT to coursework covering various computer-related topic areas. While students taking the course cannot pursue college credits, they can access real course material on the Internet without having to pay a penny for it; such coursework includes projects, lecture notes, exams, and assignments. However, certain materials may not always be available. Students enrolling in the Network and Computer Security course are provided with information regarding secure operating systems, computer security, software protection and risk assessment.
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
Video lessons are provided by the India-based National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL); these lessons can be downloaded, viewed, or streamed on YouTube. Students cannot use NPTEL materials to pursue college credits. About forty videos are included in the Computer Networks course; these cover topic areas such as network topology, cellular networks, wireless networks, routing, satellite communication, and network management.
The Open University
Courses offered by Open University will not lead to college credits. Coursework is fragmented into ten lessons covering encryption, authentication, firewalls, network vulnerabilities, and network security, among other topic areas.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Free non-credit courses are offered online by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in various networking topic areas. Coursework is delivered through a combination of exams, streaming video, homework, slides and class notes. Students taking the Computer Communication Networks course are taught about network layers, internetworking, and routing, among other topics. Those taking the Broadband and Optical Networks course can learn about routing, optical transport networks and traffic engineering.
Teracom Training Institute
Teracom Training Institute specializes in offering free online course previews on telecommunication for individuals who are not engineers. The website’s online tutorials provide free instruction, along with serving as a preview for more extensive courses, which are offered for a fee. Students will learn about IP addresses and their uses through the tutorial: Dynamic IP Addresses and DHCP.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Lessons in PDF format are featured in this free OpenCourseWare course in telecommunications and networking. Students do not earn credits; however, they get access to instruction in various topics such as web-based learning, communication systems, web programming, network topology, and other topics.
University Of Michigan
Free online courses are offered by the University of Michigan with materials available for download. Access may not be provided to all features of the original coursework. Students enrolled in the Networked Computing: Storage, Communication, and Processing course are provided sound instruction in topic areas such as information systems security, service-oriented architecture, technologies on the web and data modeling.