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What is an Accredited Life Experience Based College Degree?

Higher Education Articles February 27, 2013

Students will be granted an accredited life experience based college degree as a result of credits received for achievements in education, work skills, employment history, and job training. Typically, a life experience based college degree that is accredited will be available from a two and four year college or university.

Types of Accredited Life Experience Based College Degrees

Bachelor and associate life experience based college degrees are offered by some schools, in areas such as project management, human resources, drafting, culinary arts, public administration and engineering. Accredited life experience based college degrees are worth pursuing as they help students compete with other job applicants who lack job experience, but have a degree. Some organizations will not believe accredited life experience based college degrees to be as prominent as conventional degrees.

Accredited Life Experience Based College Degree Requirements

Applicants who are seeking accredited life experience based college degree programs are expected to have garnered a specific amount of life experience in the relevant field. Such life experience may comprise military education or company-sponsored training, workshops or seminars, apart from courses completed at a technical or vocational school, university or college. Schools may award an accredited life experience based college degree based on independent writing and reading or volunteer work with relevant agencies. Credentials such as job reviews, portfolios, certificates, awards, and college course transcripts have to be submitted by students for accredited life experience based college degrees. Letters from previous employers detailing career accomplishments and responsibilities may be accepted by some life experience degree programs. Examinations assessing life experience and prior learning may be administered in accredited life experience based college degree programs.

Life Experience Based College Degree Programs Accreditation

Several life based college degree programs are not highly regarded and accredited. Typically, creditable organizations do not offer accreditation to Ph.D. and master life experience based degrees, so students need to be cautious. The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) provides a database of 6,900 accredited post-secondary schools that can be used to verify the credibility of organizations, which accredits life experience based college degrees; the database provides the names of schools, their city and state, and accrediting agencies (source:

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