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Where to Find Graduate Programs Nursing Scholarships

Higher Education Articles June 29, 2017

Non-profit organizations, the federal government, and private foundations are among those who offer graduate nursing scholarships. In this article, we discuss where to find organizations offering graduate nursing scholarships:

Finding Scholarships for Graduate Programs in Nursing

It is fairly easy to find a graduate nursing scholarship. Several websites offer related information, but the site of the U.S. Department of Education is arguably the best resource. In this site, guidance is provided in finding numerous types of scholarships. The site also provides links to relevant scholarship search pages, including state grant agencies and the scholarship search page of the U.S. Department of Labor ( search).

The Free Application for Federal Student Financial Aid (FAFSA) must be completed by graduate and undergraduate students who seek need-based financial aid, such as scholarships and grants. Students can send this one application to many schools simultaneously. Scholarships are also available through government agencies and specialized and general nursing organizations.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

A resource page is offered by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, providing financial aid and scholarship information to students enrolled in graduate nursing programs. Nurses with an interest in a graduate education can currently avail four scholarships.

March of Dimes

Graduate scholarships are available to registered nurses (RNs) involved in graduate programs in maternal-child nursing through the March of Dimes. The award of $5,000 is available to many students every year. The scholarship may only be received once by applicants. Eligibility criteria qualify applicants who:

•(a) are undergoing a doctoral or master’s level program in maternal-child nursing
•(b) have an academic term to complete after receiving the scholarship
•(c) are members of a professional nursing organization

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program (NCSP) is available via the Health Resources and Services Administration by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The NCSP pays a monthly stipend; needy students receive financial aid to pay for books, fees, tuition, lab expenses, and clinical supplies.

The program has been devised to address the shortage of RNs; scholarships are available to graduate and undergraduate nurses. After recipients of the scholarships graduate, two years of full-time clinical service must be provided by them at a healthcare facility where there is a critical shortage of nurses. These facilities include local or state public health departments, home health agencies, nursing homes, hospitals, hospice programs, ambulatory surgical centers, and rural health clinics.

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