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Degree Overview: Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree in Golf Course Management

Majors Overview April 14, 2014

Some universities offer Business bachelor’s degree programs with golf course management minors. Alternatively, those interested in becoming golf course managers can look into Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree programs in Golf Course Management. These programs will provide the management skills, golf practices, and business principles required for golf management jobs.

Bachelor of Science (B.S) Degree Programs in Golf Course Management

Students enrolled in a 4-year degree program in Golf Course Management are offered a truly customized kind of instruction for a very specific profession. Graduates of such a bachelor’s degree are taught the fundamentals of the game of golf, such as rules of play, golf course standards, and association rules, among other things. They can also expect to become knowledgeable about maintaining a standard golf course, and gain training in physiology, soils and turf management.

A Golf Course Management program also aims at equipping individuals with the business acumen needed for running a large golf course. Students are also taught about management fundamentals, human resources skills, computer technology and basic business administration principles. These tools augment knowledge of golf courses and golf to prepare individuals for jobs as technicians, owners and managers at golf courses around the United States.

Education Requirements

Many four-year universities offer Golf Course Management and Turf Management degree programs, and their admission criteria require incoming students to hold a GED certificate or a high school diploma, in addition to accomplishing a minimum grade point average requirement of at least 2.5. Students would also benefit from having an interest in the game of golf and moderate familiarity with the game before they select golf course management as an area of concentration.


Coursework in a degree program in Golf Course Management includes various subject areas, including those focused on technical aspects of the game and those covering standard management principles. Core courses include topic areas such as:

•Golf course construction
•Botany and physiology
•Irrigation principles
•Golf course maintenance
•Budgeting and financial management
•Computer technology
•Business communication
•Turf grass and ornamental
•Landscape management
•Golf turf math

Job and Wage Outlook

Golf course managers are assigned the responsibility for ensuring the smooth running of the operations at a golf course, such as turf grass repair, golf course maintenance, staff training and hiring decisions. In May 2012, amusement and recreation attendants took home an average annual wage of $20,310 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Supervisors of grounds-keeping and landscaping workers earned an average annual salary of $45,100 during the same period.

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