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Degree Overview: Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Majors Overview April 7, 2014

Receive information about the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree program in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship and its education requirements, coursework, career choices, and continuing education choices.

B.S. Programs in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Students enrolled in Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree programs in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship are trained to become adept at planning, launching and sustaining numerous aspects of small businesses, including understanding of various concepts, such as hiring strategies, developing business plans, marketing, and purchasing materials. The focus of programs may also be on applying emerging technology to teach students about the role computers play in the business world. Schools typically offer these programs as either a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.), or a Bachelor of Science (B.S.).

Education Requirements

Admission criteria typically require incoming students to hold a GED certificate or high school diploma. In some programs, students may be required to complete prior courses in algebra, accounting or keyboarding.


A broad array of issues faced by family- and small-business owners may be tackled in the programs; these may include, evaluation of new ventures, economic prediction and e-commerce. Coursework may also include topic areas such as:

•Human resource management
•Operations management
•Business law
•Business management
•Financial management

Career Choices

Those who successfully complete these programs typically seek occupations related to small business management or aspire to becoming businesspersons themselves. The choice depends on their industry of choice and how successful their business ventures are likely to be. Graduates may also choose from career options such as:

•Unit management
•Business venture analysis

Continuing Education Choices

Students who pursue continued education may choose to earn a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) in Entrepreneurship. Coursework in MBA programs expands on topic areas that are vital to small business owners and entrepreneurs; these include franchising and consulting. Leadership ethics, Internet marketing, systems management, and global business may be included among other topic areas of study. Students may also learn techniques devised to raise start-up funding and venture capital.

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