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Kinesiology Career Information and Major Requirements

Majors Overview February 1, 2013

The mechanics and movement of human bodies are studied in a field called kinesiology. A bachelor degree in kinesiology can be the first step to a career in the fields of rehabilitation, sports training, personal training and exercise science.

Kinesiology Bachelor of Science Degree

Schools often offer kinesiology as a small part of a larger degree course in physical therapy, sports medicine, or related areas, but there are some schools that offer four-year courses focusing on kinesiology (i.e. the study of human movement). Graduates who complete such programs can aspire to a career in the field of rehabilitative sciences; the bachelor degree program can lead to a master degree in sports medicine, occupational therapy and physical therapy. Students who choose to complete a bachelor degree in a kinesiology major may have to complete additional courses in fitness testing, sports physiology, nutrition, human anatomy, exercise physiology, motor learning and biomechanics among other subject areas. Students enrolled into some kinesiology degree programs are required to select a specific area of concentration, such as fitness or exercise science. In the majority of programs, enrolled students are required to participate in a semester-long internship at a local rehabilitation center, fitness facility or health clinic.

Education Prerequisites

Students who chose kinesiology as their area of concentration are required to complete a four-year university program. Admission to such program usually calls for a high school diploma; in addition, SAT and ACT scores. Students who have achieved high grades in mathematics and the natural sciences may be given priority for admission into a kinesiology program.

Program Coursework

Coursework in an undergraduate degree program in kinesiology is typically a combination of classroom lectures and laboratory training. Access to state of the art fitness centers and labs are usually given to students enrolled in a kinesiology program. Some of the subject areas included in the coursework of kinesiology major are Assessment methods for kinesiology, Exercise and body composition, Neural bases of movement, Experiential learning, Motor control, Motor development, Psychology of sport, Physiology of exercise, Anatomy and physiology.

Career Options

Graduates in a bachelor degree program for kinesiology can choose from several career options. Several students enrolled into a kinesiology program chose to earn a graduate degree in fields of sports medicine and rehabilitation. Others look for entry-level jobs in health science and fitness settings. A few of the popular career options preferred by kinesiology majors include Exercise physiologist, Strength conditioning coach, Athletic trainer, Athletic director, Chiropractor, Occupational therapist, Physical therapist, Massage therapist, Fitness instructor, and Personal trainer.

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