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How to Become a Cash Management Service Representative

Career News February 27, 2014

Although advanced education beyond a high school diploma is not required to land a cash management service representative job, over half who are employed hold a bachelor’s degree with coursework that concentrates on written and oral communication skills, computer knowledge, human services and psychology.

A cash management service representative will spend a great deal of time working directly with the public in person or through phone, e-mail, fax, postal mail or a combination of all four. The duties of cash management service representatives may also involve processing refunds, providing technical support and arranging appointments.

Cash management service representatives who work in banks or other financial institutions will also need good mathematical skills.

The Importance of Personal Skills

The most important aspect of good cash management service representatives is excellent interpersonal skills. The job requires the representative to be an active listener, one who can evaluate the customer’s problem, assess the issue accurately and arrive at the best possible solution.

The representative must also be sensitive to body language. The customer may feel irate, confused or impatient. The cash management representative must be aware of these body signals to better anticipate the customer’s needs and how to relate solutions that will put the customer more at ease.

Cash management service representatives must also have good memory retention. They must recognize and greet repeat customers on a personal basis and stay up to date on company policies and new products. They need to remember their transactions with individual customers in order to provide follow-up services. They must quickly process information from other departments within the company in order to relay the information accurately to their customers.

What You Should Know Before Applying

Cash management service representatives often work under a great deal of pressure. They are in a position where they must remain calm and friendly while negotiating with customer complaints or persuading customers to accept new policies or new products. Even when they are working under pressure, they must think clearly, analyze problems efficiently, and know how to finalize a deal that is agreeable to both the organization and the customer.

Cash management service representatives must know how to use their time efficiently and know how to anticipate customer needs in order to meet them as quickly as possible.

Most companies will train their own cash management service representatives, but they look first for those with a good understanding of human psychology. To become a good cash management service representative, you have a good understanding of human behavior, and know how to read a person’s tone of voice. You will exercise a learned and polished voice that is friendly and self-confident.

You will have to remember important details concerning company policies, products and customer needs. Good computer skills will help you find information quickly, as will experience with e-mail applications, fax formats, and other programs.

Cash management services representatives process customer orders, prepare correspondences, and seek to fulfill customer needs so as to ensure complete satisfaction with the company they represent. Their average salary is from $28,000 to $34,000 a year. Contact one of the schools listed below to learn more about educational opportunities.

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