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Medical Psychologist Salary Information

Career News August 18, 2013

Medical psychology is the field of biomedical behavioral study, or in simple words, the study and application of psychological principles as defined by the practice of medicine. The American Psychological Association is oftentimes the voice of the industry, and it seeks to treat mental illness and disorders using psychotherapeutic solutions, as well as medication in some instances.

What do Medical Psychologist do to Merit their Salaries?

In order to enter this career, you must have specialized training in prescribing medicine, as well as psychological principles. The only way to prescribe and practice is to complete a doctorate degree program, along with more education in medicine. This type of training program can take five years or more to complete. Even after completion, you will still have to train in the sciences and complete fellowships and hands-on training with established psychologists. A bachelor’s and master’s degree would be starting points, and both are available from most universities across the nation.

Salaries for doctors are typically above average because of the long list of duties that doctor takes on. For instance, doctors may have to help with psychotherapy and chronic illnesses or disorders, behavioral therapy, pain management or even pharmacology. How much you make will also be partly determined by where you work, in what discipline and location. For instance, there are doctors who work in hospitals and clinics, but also doctors who work as researchers or consultants.

Figures for Medical Psychologists Salaries

Figures are comparable to clinical psychologists. According to the APA, the median salary for licensed doctors in this field would be approximately $85,000 a year. However, doctors who work in research roles are making more, sometimes between $88,000 and up to $150,000 annually. Even doctors in medical offices are making upwards of $90,000 annually.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Labor states that the profession is growing, even when compared to other psychology-related fields. When it comes to final salary, much of the number was determined by licensing and certification, as well as the location where the doctor was licensed. The American Board of Medical Psychology and Academy of Medical Psychology are certification organizations that require a doctorate-level degree. Of course, not all organizations recognized medical psychology as a true “specialty,” while other organizations and states may not see the field as having any reason to work with prescriptions. Nonetheless, what is evident is that the field is in high-demand, and more so in areas where doctors are allowed to prescribe medication, since this takes into account more issues and legal ramifications.

If you want to advance towards a promising career in psychology then education is paramount. It’s time to visit a college like the ones listed below to gain more information about enrollment. Now is the time to start planning your future by beginning with a general degree and working your way up towards a major degree in the appropriate field. The personal and professional rewards of this profession are vast and even beyond the high salary quoted.

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