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Why Pursuing a Psychology Degree is Important

Higher Education Articles August 7, 2013

Most students who chose to pursue an associate degree in psychology use it as a stepping stone in order to position themselves more favorably for entrance into a university that offers a bachelor degree in the field. While both an Associate of Science (A.S.) and an Associate of Arts (A.A.) are possible when choosing to obtain a psychology degree, their concentrations differ slightly. Future plans, as far as the education level an individual wants to attain or the type of job that is desired are key factors in determining whether a science or arts degree is best.

For a career in a clinical setting, such as a psychologist, a degree in the Arts is a wise choice. A research focused career will likely be better served with a Science degree, however, since it will typically include more courses that will help the graduate in the field of research. An individual with an associate degree in psychology can look forward to pursuing a career as a medical technician or as a rehabilitation specialist.

With further study, a student who wishes to study psychology can find a number of careers open to them. Most people immediately think of a psychologist with a private practice as a career for these graduates. There are other options for career opportunities, though, including management, human resources and sales.

The student who will have the most success with obtaining a degree in psychology will be interested in learning how and why people act the way they do. An interest in how a person’s mind, emotions and actions are all intertwined and how they affect one another is also crucial. A vested curiosity about human nature, as well as a genuine fondness for people is also important.

Some of the top schools in the United States are also known for their psychology departments. Stanford University, Harvard University, and two campuses of the University of California round out the top four slots, according to U.S. News’ popular ranking of the nation top colleges, as well as reviews of these educational institutions.

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