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Overview for those interested in Animal Rescue as a Career

Career News May 17, 2016

If you are interested in working with animals, read the article below to learn what career paths you can pursue in life. Also, learn what it takes to join some of these professions, reading about their education qualification requirements, employment possibilities and salaries for professionals who take care of animals.

Career Information for Individuals interested in Animal Rescue

A degree program in Animal rescue is best suited for someone who finds interest in taking care of cats, dogs and horses. While it only requires a high school diploma to get a job as an animal rescue operator, a bachelor’s degree in this program could lead you to a top level manager of an animal rescue organization. Most of the work for animal rescuers is found within breed rescue centers and animal shelters. Finally, students with work experience are highly favored in the job market.

Career Veterinary Technician Veterinarian Administrative Service Manager
Education qualification details Associate’s degree Professional degree or doctoral degree Bachelor’s degree
Additional requirements Pass a credentialing test License Certificate though not mandatory
Estimated job growth rate 19% 9% 8%
Average salary in 2015 $31,800 $88,490 $86,110

Career Options for Individual interested in the Animal Rescue Field

Generally, one can easily get an entry level job in the Animal rescue field with a high school diploma. However, with competition in the job market ever increasing, a lot of students are choosing to pursue associate’s or bachelor’s degree programs to better their chances of getting better paying jobs. Here are some of the main professions a graduate of Animal rescue degree program may pursue.

Veterinary Technician

Veterinary technicians focus on the condition and health attributes of animals. They often treat sick animals, including performing first aid during emergencies or administering anesthesia where necessary. In addition, veterinary technicians conduct lab tests to the animals to ascertain their current health conditions. When animals get sick, it is the work of veterinary technicians to administer medicines to them. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a veterinary technician earned an average salary of $31,800 in 2015. The BLS also noted that jobs in this profession were likely to increase at a high rate of 19% in the coming years.


There is no big difference between veterinarians and veterinarian technicians in terms of job descriptions. Veterinarians examine the animals’ physical conditions, diagnose diseases, treat minor wounds or even perform surgeries to very injured animals. The education background for veterinarians is also detailed. Jobs are only given to students with professional or doctoral degrees and in most cases, experience and operating licenses may be required. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that a veterinarian earned an average salary of $88,490 in 2015 while jobs in this profession are expected to rise at a rate of 9% up to 2024.

Administrative Service Managers

This profession reserved for graduates who wish to work as leaders in animal rescue centers. They supervise administrative personnel as well as oversee the overall management of the animal clinic or rescue center. The BLS estimates that administrative service managers earned an average salary of $86,110 in 2015.

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