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How to Prepare for RN Interviews

Resume & Interview August 3, 2013

Between practicing common RN interview questions and getting all of your documents in order, there is a lot to do to get ready for an interview as an RN. If you think that you can just walk into an interview unprepared and land your dream job, you are mistaken. Here are some tips from actual nurses at that will help you thoroughly prepare, so you will have the best chances possible at getting the job you desire.

Step 1: Get Your Documents in Order

The first document that you will need to have ready to go is your resume. Of course, you probably sent in your resume to get the interview in the first place, but it is important that you bring a copy of your resume with you. This is especially important if you applied online since most resumes get distorted through electronic transit. You will also want to verify your references to make sure that their contact information is still valid. Bring along any reference letters you may have.

You will also want to gather up all of the documentation you have that proves you are worthy of the job you are interviewing for. This would include any of your credentials, immunization records, nursing license, and your board scores. You will also want to make sure you have the basics, like your driver’s license and social security card. Make a checklist of all of the paperwork you need to bring, so you don’t forget anything on the day of the interview.

Step 2: Practice Common RN Interview Questions

Next, you need to be prepared with thought-out answers to the most common questions asked of you in an interview. Come up with answers that show you are a team player and a problem solver. One of the most common questions that you can almost guarantee you will be asked is, “Tell me a little bit about yourself.” This question is easy to answer incorrectly. Most people go into a short biography of their life and their hobbies and interests. Instead, answer it in a way that demonstrates why you are a good fit for their medical facility and what unique talents, skills and traits you bring to the table. Basically, answer with why would you be a better choice than the person who interviewed right before you.

In addition to practicing these answers, you should do some research on the medical facility. That way, you can understand what they are all about and what is important to them. You should practice weaving in these details to the questions you are answering. Whatever questions you are answering, practice putting a positive spin on everything. Even if the question is about your past employer, only point out the positives. You do not want to risk offending anyone or coming across as a pessimist.

Step 3: Don’t Forget the Details

Finally, it is important that on the day of the interview you take time to get yourself both mentally and physically prepared. Start off the day right by making sure that you get a good night’s sleep. You want your brain to be at its optimal alertness. Eat a high-protein breakfast to help you maintain your energy throughout the day. Next, dress in your best attire. Press all of your clothes and make sure that even your shoes are in pristine condition. Make sure to dress in business attire and keep your accessories to a minimum. If you have to question anything you are wearing, then you are probably better off not wearing it.

When fixing your hair, style it as you would wear it on the job. If you have long hair, this means wear it pulled back. You want the interviewer to be able to picture you working on their staff. Never smoke before an interview. And always, always allow ample time to get there. You never know what traffic is going to be like. The worst thing you can do for your first impression is to show up late.

If you practice popular RN interview questions, have all of your documents in order and dress to impress, you are sure to do the best you can at your interview, so you can land your dream job.

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