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What Type of Salary Can I Expect as a Chef Working in New York City?

Career News July 24, 2014

Being a chef in a restaurant or in any other establishment serving food is a great responsibility. Still, this profession comes with numerous rewards, especially when you see your clients satisfied by the food you serve to them. Another reward is the salary, especially when taking into consideration that the chefs are the highest paid professionals in this industry.

Their salary depends on various factors such as education, employers, and geographical location, but it’s important to know that a chef in a metropolitan area will earn much more than one in a non-metropolitan area. Since New York City is one of the top paying cities for this job, let’s see the salary of chefs in New York City.

Top Paying State and Metropolitan Area

We have already mentioned that in New York City and the state of New York, you can find the best-paid chefs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data says that New York is the fourth paying state in this industry. Thus, in this state, the employment per thousand jobs is 1.00 and the location quotient is 1.23. The hourly average wage in New York is $27.15, and the annual average wage is $56,470.

In the New York City area, the highest median salary is $78,000 per year and the lowest median salary is $55,000 annually, exceeding the national median pay of only $42,480 per year. The metropolitan areas where the chefs earn the biggest wages are New York, Wayne, and White Plains, including the New Jersey metropolitan division. Finally, New York also has one of the highest employment levels given that the employment per thousand jobs is 1.01.

Job Prospects for Chefs in New York City

Now that we have seen the salary of chefs in New York City, let’s review the job prospects in the area. The greatest thing about New York City is that it boasts of restaurants and eateries, as a result, it offers numerous job opportunities. There will always be a new restaurant opening in the city in need of a chef. At the same time, New York City is a touristic area and it features numerous high-end restaurants; thus, offering more chances of finding a top-paying employer after getting some hands-on experience.

As a chef in New York City, you will have the possibility of working in a large variety of establishments, including but not limited to hotels, restaurants, catering companies, gourmet boutiques, and cafeterias. There are also private residences that look for private chefs and they pay very well. Since you work in the city that never sleeps, you must expect to work during holidays and weekends and be present in the kitchen late in the evening and early in the morning. Thus, the work can be fast-paced and hectic, but if you are talented and passionate about your job, none of these will matter at the end of the day.

So, if the salary of a chef in New York City is appealing to you, maybe it’s time to try your luck in the city of all opportunities. To get started in this profession, check out the schools listed below.

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