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Information for those with a Behavioral Sciences Degree

Higher Education Articles December 19, 2015

Pursuing a degree program in Behavioral sciences can lead to getting a job as a Human resources specialist, Health service manager or a social service manager as we shall see below. But, before you can get any job, these are the accomplishments you must have.

Important Details for Individuals with a Behavioral Sciences Degree

Generally, acquiring a bachelor’s degree in Behavioral science is the first step to getting a job in this field. However, to become fully ready for a job, you must enroll for and complete an internship program.

Career Health Service Manager Human Resources Specialist Social Service Manager
Education details Bachelor’s degree Bachelor’s degree Bachelor’s degree

Estimated job growth rate (2012 – 2022) 19% 21% 21%

Average salary $103,700 $52,600 $67,700

Positions you can obtain with a Behavioral Sciences Degree

Unless you want to get a job in a more specific area, such as psychology or education, where a Master’s degree or higher is required, a Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral sciences may be all you need to land a job within Human resource departments, social services or in the fields of Health sciences.

Health Service Manager

With a basic education requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral science, you could become the person that handles administrative roles for small and medium medical facilities. However, with a Master’s degree or more, you could easily climb the ladder in medical facilities’ staff, where your salary could also increase immensely.

Speaking of salary, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that an average Health service manager earned an annual figure of $103,700 in 2014. On the other hand, the job growth rate for this career is estimated to be 17% up to the year 2022. On another note, Health service managers can also get jobs in government owned residential home facilities or in ambulatory health care services.

Human Resources Specialist

A Human resources specialist does the work of recruiting, screening and hiring new employees. Additionally, he or she may oversee that payrolls, benefits and other payment details are properly facilitated, notwithstanding conducting orientation to new employees. So, to get this job, you should have a Bachelor’ degree in Behavioral sciences, and have proper interpersonal and good decision making skills.

Job Outlook

The average Health resources specialist earned an annual figure of $62,600 in 2014 as per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Their profession on the other hand is estimated to grow at an average rate of 21% within the next seven years (2022).

Social Service Manager

As a social service manager, your work would include working for organizations that offer social services to the public. To be specific, a social service manager works with a specific demographic group such as teens, or the elderly, identifies their needs and then in collaboration with an organization oversees that these needs are fulfilled. The most basic education requirement for this profession is a Bachelor’s degree.

Salary Details

According to statistics done by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary in this profession was $67,700 in 2014, although this may change with time. The profession also grows at a steady rate of 21%.

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