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Degree Overview: Associate of Supply Chain Management

Majors Overview June 14, 2013

Students enrolled in the associate degree program in supply chain management will learn how to analyze the purchasing habits of customers, plan out product shipping, and order inventory for businesses. Associate degree program graduates will gain a diverse set of professional skills, such as organizational planning, logistical problem solving, and quick decision-making.

Associate Degree Program in Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management associate degree program will teach students about practice and theory of exporting and importing, product transportation logistics, quality control, purchasing, and inventory management. Associate degree program graduates will be trained to analyze different sets of sales data, communicate with both workers and vendors, and plan out supply routes for product delivery. Professionals in this industry will need to have strong organizational skills.

Education Requirements

To gain admission into the associate degree program, applicants are required to hold a general educational development (GED) certificate or a high school diploma. High school students who took additional classes related to problem solving, business, or mathematical logistics will be better prepared for degree programs in supply chain management.

Program Coursework

Supply chain management degree programs usually cover different topics, such as business technology, human resources, leadership, marketing, and operations management. Program course topics may include the following:

•International business
•Quality control
•Transportation planning
•Inventory control
•Professional logistics
•Business law
•Professional finances

Career Options

The supply chain management field offers graduates different career options. Some careers require extensive travel, and other careers in this field usually require candidates to work long hours, such as weekends and nights. Individuals may obtain the following job titles:

•Logistics analyst
•Inventory control supervisor
•Purchasing manager
•Transportation specialist
•Production planner

Information on Continuing Education

Employers in this industry, particularly product managing and purchasing, usually require prospective employees to hold at least a bachelor’s degree; employers for administrative positions prefer master’s degree holders. Business schools usually offer both bachelor and master degree programs in areas such as logistics, operations management and supply chain management.

Besides formal education, professionals in supply chain management should consider participating in continued education training programs throughout their careers, especially to gain knowledge in up-and-coming sales and marketing trends, as well as learn new technologies. There are different voluntary certification options for professionals in this field, including the Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) credential that is offered by the American Purchasing Society (

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