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Degree Overview: Associate of Science (A.S.) Degree in Web Information Technology or Internet Programming

Majors Overview January 13, 2014

Receive information on Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in web information technology or internet programming and its educational requirements, coursework, career choices, and certification and continuing education choices.

A.S. Programs in Web Information Technology or Internet Programming

Schools can offer associate’s degree programs in Internet/intranet programming under many different titles, such as an Associate of Science in Web Information Technology or Associate in Science in Programming for the Internet. Students interested in earning a degree in the field should target a program that offers a series of electives or a concentration area of study in Internet/intranet administration or programming.

Students enrolled in Associate of Science Degree Programs in Web Information Technology or Internet Programming are taught the skills and knowledge they need for the designing and programming of Internet/intranet applications via a hands-on approach. They also become adept at creating and programming e-commerce sites and websites, among other business applications that employ an intranet or Internet setup in delivering their products or services. They are also taught about both the technical and artistic aspects of Website design in a two-year program offered at a vocational school or community college.

Educational Requirements

Admission criteria typically require applicants to hold a GED certificate or high school diploma. Students enrolled in a majority of programs are also required to complete general education courses including algebra, statistics and basic English composition prior to beginning the main program.


Coursework in an associate’s degree program in programming for the Internet/intranet is devised to teach students the specific skills necessary for the profession including those related to C/C++ and Java programming and basic networking. Coursework may include topic areas such as:

•JavaScript programming
•Web mail
•Network operation
•Web animation
•Perl programming
•Basics of computing
•Photo editing software
•Web design

Career Choices

Graduates can seek entry-level occupations in the computer industry including career options such as:

•Server administrator
•Computer programmer
•Application programmer
•Network administrator
•Internet technician
•Web master

Certification and Continuing Education Choices

Associate degree graduates may seek continued education through enrollment in bachelor’s or master’s programs in computer technology to meet the requirements of many employers (source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)). Programmers can complete training programs in their firms to obtain certifications offered by some software vendors; such certifications are also offered through professional organizations.

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