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Difference Between Advertising and Marketing Majors

Higher Education Articles May 18, 2014

Although marketing and advertising are related majors, they have distinct differences and are two different disciplines. The majors available in advertising and marketing show these differences.

Advertising and Marketing Majors

Before one can understand the difference between advertising and marketing majors, one needs to be clear about how advertising and marketing differ from each other. Through advertising, businesses get the word out to consumers about a service or product. Marketing refers to the whole process of selling a service or product to the consumer.

Research and development are the first stages of the marketing process. Apart from product development following market research, the process involves sales strategies, pricing, advertising, public relations, and distribution. Thus, marketing includes advertising in selling a service or product strategically.

Major Overview: Marketing

Coursework in Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) in Managerial Marketing programs includes subject areas such as:

•Sales management
•Personal selling
•Retail and Web-based marketing
•Service, advertising, and promotion management
•Marketing strategies
•International marketing
•Marketing research
•Principles of marketing

Students enrolled in many programs are encouraged or required to complete a hands-on marketing internship program. The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program with a marketing emphasis is offered by many schools. Apart from the regular MBA coursework, the program includes subject areas such as buyer behavior, international marketing, strategy and planning, market research, and promotion management.

Major Overview: Advertising

Coursework in undergraduate programs in advertising includes subject areas such as consumer behavior and principles of advertising. Often, management and creative concentrations are available for students to choose from. Courses in ethics in advertising, interactive design, copywriting, and the creative process are included in a creative concentration. Students enrolled in a management concentration are instructed in account planning, advertising management, media planning and sales, advertising and PR research techniques, promotions and sponsorships, and integrated strategy.

Interested students may also opt to earn a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Advertising degree. Students enrolled in this degree program are often allowed to choose an advertising research or advertising management concentration.
Coursework includes subject areas such as:

•Advertising and society
•Public relations research
•Marketing management
•Advertising and promotion management
•Consumer behavior

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